Sunday, February 14, 2016

Living Out Faith: Service and Mission Trips at Christian Camp

While we know many who go to Christian camps play games and have fun, there are some who go to these camps to help others. Service and mission trips provide a different type of experience for attendees.  The focus of this is on the commitment to service, to act in the same way Christ did by serving others. 

Now service does vary, and these camps can range. Some of these camps include in-depth experiences, and even trips to another location, even counties to help others.  Other service trips include going to local communities and helping those in there. 

We’ll go over the importance of mission and service trips, and how it impacts one’s faith. 

A Mission to Serve

Mission and service trips are transformative experiences for many individuals and deepen one’s faith and the bonds within the community. 

These service trips may include providing food for the homelessness, offering different help in soup kitchens, or even going out to nursing homes to entertain old people. 

Hands-on service trips are powerful ways to provide a unique spiritual awakening, and better renewal.  It also gives a person a chance to look at their beliefs, and how they can provide these same services based on the teachings of Christ. 

Christ always loved, showed compassion, and service to others.   With service and mission trips, this is possible. 

Mission trips also provide a chance to fulfill the great commission where the goal is to make disciples in all parts, which is the heart of a mission trip. 

Mission tris will help to step into the ring and show the others Christ’s message. It does create a significant change in discipleship too, in order to underscore that commitment to following Christ. 

Building Fellowship and Faith 

For a lot of people on mission trips, it’s important to also mention the faith and fellowship that happens. 

Mission trips are rarely done by one person, but instead are a group activity that intimately connected so many people. It isn’t just you versus another person, but you’re working together. 

This fellowship allows you to better understand those around you.   Everyone comes from different backgrounds, but you’re working together to provide the same goal.   Whether it’s helping in a soup kitchen or building birdhouses, you’re working in the image of Christ. 

Doing this with others also builds camaraderie in your ministry, and helps you better understand the peers that you have. 

A Heart for Service 

All Christians ultimately want to serve others.  It’s what Christ would’ve wanted, and what he states. 

With mission projects, you tap into that natural inclination for service.  It invokes compassion in many young Christians too. 

Service and mission projects also help Christians that are trying to figure out where to go. In a secular world full of many distractions, a good service project provides grounding and understanding of where to go. 

For some Christians, this creates an understanding of what’s going on, and what you need to do with yourself. This push can give one a purpose and help to foster a deeper connection with their faith. 

The best way to start with a Christian service camp is to find a service project that is intimately connected with you. Whether it’s volunteering, or just going out and bringing joy and kindness to others, there are a lot of fun ways to accomplish this.   Through service, you can foster a better, healthier understanding of your faith. It provides that connection to Christ, which is something more profound than before, and can really improve one’s understanding of life too. 

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